When You’re Feeling Lost, Stuck, Or Unsure Of What’s Next... She’s Feeling Beautiful, Powerful, Loving, And Strong...

... it's time to reawaken your inner warrior!



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When you’re feeling conflicted, anxious, torn…
She knows your true heart’s desires.
When you don’t know what direction to turn, or what road to take…
She knows how to guide you towards your true path.
When you’re feeling distracted, exhausted and full of self-doubt…
She is intentional, purposeful, and proud to serve you.

Who is this magical woman?

Well, she’s within you, just like she’s within me.
She ensures that all your self-love, self-care, and self-awareness needs are met FIRST…
Then you serve others from a cup that overflows with love and abundance in all things.

It’s time to awaken The Purposeful Warrior!

Before today, she lay in slumber, resting, waiting for you to call on her.
She’s been there watching, trying to tune in…
Trying to gain your attention!
When your heart aches, when the darkness creeps in…
When the uncertainty, and worry, and unsettledness takes over your day…
She’s just waiting, waiting, waiting to be called on.

She’s wise this warrior.
She knows she can help you.

She’s helped you before… you just haven’t let her fight for you in a long time.
Sadly, the song, the melody, the joy to have her guide you. Gets forgotten.
She was there as a child, playing games, dreaming big, adventuring forward.
Feeling invincible and free and uninhibited.


Before those ‘bad’ things happened, and other parts of you took over the reins.
Things got serious, restricted, THEY stepped in with a louder voice.
Your inner controller, critic, and protector to name a few!

But she never left…

She knows you’ll return and resurrect her to full beauty again.
It just takes time.  Awareness that you miss her…
And the keen act of courage to wake her up.
Awakening Purpose – starts with awakening the part of you who’s known you the longest of all!

She’s there for you, when you’re ready,

She’s just waiting for her call…

“Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart.
Who looks outside, dreams.  Who looks inside, awakens.”
– Carl Jung

Hi, I’m Fiona Jeanne, a fierce supporter of your Purposeful Warrior!

It took me years to tune into my inner warrior and guide. My aim is to help you awaken yours so you can learn how to harness her passion and power to make extraordinary breakthroughs in your life like never before!

It starts by turning your focus and energy on YOU.  Beyond all the expectations, pressures, and roles we play every day.  And towards the part of you that’s simply waiting, waiting, waiting, to be nurtured!

I work with women all over the world, and help them become more functionally self-ISH.  What does this mean?  Well traditionally ‘selfish’ has negative connotations doesn’t it? We’ve been conditioned to think putting our needs first makes us a ‘bad’ mum, or wife, or daughter, or employee…

Well, I’m here to re-write the rules!

You see, we become self-ISH without being selfish through the wondrous process of SELF AWARENESS.  And just like Carl Jung’s quote above implies – all the answers are there, for you,  when you look within and start to awaken your Purposeful Warrior, and harness her FULL lifechanging potential!

Because when you’re self-aware, you know what you need, and you can selectively channel your energy into creating those outcomes. But when you’re not self-aware you feel purpose-less, confused, and stuck.  All your energy flows outwards to others, whilst you’re left feeling drained, depleted, and empty.

And that’s no way to live (trust me, I’ve been there)!

When you’re truly self-ISH you’re in a state of receiving, not taking, and you’re consciously creating your reality, systematically, outcome, by outcome.  Life becomes about achieving meaningful goals and focusing on truly important intentions. You benefit, your family benefits, everyone around you benefits.

Life becomes more flexible, fun, and fulfilled!

Imagine just how liberating and empowering that would feel…

It’s time to get beyond feeling lost, stuck and unsure.

And start feeling the joy of living with purpose, ON purpose, with your own Purposeful Warrior at your side!

Fiona Jeanne x

P.S. To get started access YOUR FREE Videos where you’ll discover:

How To Rediscover And Reinvent The REAL You!

Free videos reveal:

Why your ‘purpose’ is so elusive...

How to touch fulfilment so you can feel part of something meaningful again.

How to ‘awaken’ your purpose so you can gain more clarity, and live more consciously!

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What Others Say

“Feeling amazingly grateful to have spent time with such a lovely lady.
Clearing away those thoughts and feelings that were holding me back. It was like looking through the window after it’s been cleaned , you appreciate the hard work it took to clean the mucky glass, took satisfaction at a job well done and enjoy the view from that clean window and how everything seems so much brighter now.
Thank you ♥️♥️♥️”


“Fiona has a compassionate engaging nature; she’s patient but also proactive in helping others see where they are tolerating low standards. I come away from our sessions with renewed enthusiasm and a defined way forward; this has been so helpful at a time in my life when I needed some structure and a way to become “unstuck”. Thanks Fiona “


“Fiona elicited my personal values and helped me to find clarity around what is most important to me. This helped me feel a sense of alignment to focus my time, efforts and thinking on. We often can be valuing unproductive habits and thinking – Fiona beautifully worked through this process to help me gain clarity, assurance and contentment in knowing my purpose and gain the motivation to make it a reality. Fiona is friendly, non-judgemental and helped me feel comfortable right away. Highly recommend Fiona if you are seeking to gain more clarity in your values and life”



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About Me

For me, life used to mean lack, internal struggle, fear and expectation of the worst…
Forever unsettled, feeling like something was missing, and allowing myself to succumb to the less-than-ideal situations that occur when you’re busy looking after everyone else, except you. When your needs fall off the radar.  Along with your self-worth. And self-belief.  And self-love.  It’s a very painful and stressful world to live in.  For me it started at a very young age…

I was so scared they wouldn’t want me.  Or wouldn’t be able to take care of me.
When I found out I wasn’t their biological daughter I felt like I had to pretend. Pretend that I wasn’t frightened, and feeling insecure.  Instead choosing to portray a happy ‘everything’s ok’ face to reassure them.  Just in case they decided they didn’t want me anymore.  Don’t get me wrong my family was kind, caring, loving and 100% supportive of me, and I adore them.  But deep down I just couldn’t shake the feeling that I had to protect them, from my reality, that a big void existed inside me…

On the surface I was the fun, outgoing, bubbly girl. 
On the inside I felt lonely, and exhausted from ‘faking’ my way through life.  Food became my solitude.  It gave me the energy to perform, and the comfort to continue.  Continue through unhealthy relationships, emotional and physical abuse, and heartbreak.  Although the situations changed… it felt like life was on repeat… “what’s wrong with me?” I’d ask myself, “why is this happening again?” … “am I expecting too much?”  Such difficult questions to answer when you feel stuck, alone, and addicted to self-sacrificing for love…

New awareness came when I finally decided something had to change.  And it did. 
The ticket was booked for the 11th of January 2013, and he was gone.  I wished him well, told him that he should really let go of his past.  With that baggage, he will never find true happiness and thanked him when he left for setting me free.  I will never forget the look on his face; I am sure he truly thought I had lost the plot. For 3 weeks, I cried and cried every day…

Australia became home.  My two dogs and me. 
No family, few friends, but a determined will to heed my own advice.  I kept hearing the last words I told him repeatedly in my head.  It was the guiding message I needed to hear too.  It was time sort out the ‘baggage’ and finally let it be…

Joining The Coaching Institute in Melbourne opened me up to a whole new world.
Live events, programs, and meeting amazing people started to ‘crack’ my exterior… and through the cracks, a beautiful gold started to shimmer.  And although I struggled to make sense of it all in the moment, I was all of a sudden catapulted into a new realm of self-awareness and self-exploration.  I was hooked…


Every day I was noticing small shifts and significant breakthroughs occurring. 
My new partner and step-kids helped me redefine what love meant, what support meant, what happiness meant.  All the while I learnt what self-love truly meant.  I learnt how to become functionally self-ISH.  How to put my needs first, because if you’re not feeling fulfilled first, it’s a struggle to effectively help anyone else.  The ‘baggage’ got un-packed, and sorted, and either lovingly let go or respectfully re-remembered.  Life became REAL.  The need to control the façade, and the need to please others faded.  Confidence bloomed, business boomed, and my inner guide, my Purposeful Warrior awakened…

Awake. And Empowered.
She’s beautiful, powerful, loving, and strong.  She ensures that all your self-love, self-care, and self-awareness needs are met FIRST so that then she can serve others from a cup that overflows with love and abundance in all things.  She knows your hearts desires.  And she knows how to guide you towards them.  She is intentional, purposeful, and proud to serve you.  She’s within you, just like she’s within me…

Now it’s your turn.
It’s your turn to tune in and connect with your Purposeful Warrior too.  Sometimes life becomes too much, too complicated, too overwhelming, too stressful.  You lose touch with what makes you ‘tick’, what doing something truly meaningful feels like, and who you are beyond all those roles you play and masks you wear.  It’s time to focus on you.  Your needs, wants, desires.  Awakening Purpose is an exciting journey and connecting to your inner guide feels extremely liberating.


No more feeling lost, confused, overwhelmed, and alone.
If you’re clear on your purpose, you know why you’re doing something, and how it fits into the bigger picture of your life.  It creates the momentum for you to move forward, everyday with energy. With purpose and intention all the amazing forces of the universe can align to make even the most impossible things possible.  But as I found on my journey it all starts WITHIN you.  Growth is an internal process.  No external force is strong enough to break the chains that bind us within the dark void of uncertainty and self-doubt.  I reached out for help, and found it.  I learnt how to nurture my Purposeful Warrior, coax her out, let her shine, and let her guide me forward.  Now I can help you too…

Everybody deserves to feel purpose-FULL!
Waking up with intention, waking up with lightness in your heart, waking up with a renewed sense of hope and happiness. Equipped with resources, strategies, and support to guide you through the tough times, and celebrate the good times – unconditionally!  No matter what your past, what your story, what your baggage, change is within your reach.  It’s simply reaching that point of ‘enough is enough’ and taking one step forward.  One small step.  Today you can start here, with me: Awakening Purpose


Now life takes on a whole new meaning.  It’s something to embrace, not hide away from.  Time is of the essence, especially as our kids grow, our family ages, our roles change.  Trust me, I spent years on the ‘wrong’ path looking backwards instead of forwards. There’s absolutely no better time than NOW to start living with more pride, and purpose, and passion!

How To Rediscover And Reinvent The REAL You!

Free videos reveal:

Why your ‘purpose’ is so elusive...

How to touch fulfilment so you can feel part of something meaningful again.

How to ‘awaken’ your purpose so you can gain more clarity, and live more consciously!

Come & Say Hi

I’d love to get to know you better.

So drop me a line with any enquiries, suggestions or just for a chat!

You can also connect with me at:

Address: PO Box 20, Two Rocks, WA 6037

Phone: 0421 554 227