What You Seek Will Seek You!

 Before we try and understand the power of intention, let’s first look at the word ‘intention’ itself and internalise the definition, which goes something like this, “Intention is to have in mind a purpose or plan, to direct the mind, to aim.” I like to describe it as a chant, one-pointed focus and direction that helps get rid of all the clutter so we can focus on the real stuff. Stuff that will push us, both emotionally and physically, so we can create something worthwhile and magnificent. At the end of which, we will be changed people. People who know how to set their minds on something and are able to achieve it through hard-work and perseverance.

 Setting Intentions For Various Purposes

We can set intentions on all kinds of dreams; to find a partner who deeply fulfils our needs and get married or have children, to get a job or make a career change, start your own business, become a Mumpreneur, to write a book, or move to a foreign country, the list goes on.

When you set an intention and then act on it to demonstrate your commitment, amazing things happen. It’s almost as if you give the universe a strong sign that you’re ready for this next big phase of your life. This doesn’t mean that everything becomes easy. But we find within us the courage for dealing with tough times; and the internal connection we build with our intention grants us the consistency we need to show up and take the action we need to take, not once or twice but everyday, for weeks, months or even years. That’s how mountains are climbed, books are written, music is created and art is born. By showing up for your part of the job and letting your intention carry it through all the way to fruition.

Simple Ways Of Setting Intentions:

Here are some simple yet profound ways of setting an intention. It’s a pact you make with yourself and these ways should make it easier for you to set an intention.

  • Before you get out of bed, you can intend to have a fun or productive day.
  • Before you leave the house, you can intend to have quality time with whoever it is you meet during that day.
  • Before you start your car, you can intend to have a safe ride to work.
  • Before the meeting begins, you can intend to be calm and focused on the outcome you desire.
  • Before you go to sleep, you can intend to have a peaceful sleep and awaken refreshed at 6 am.

When we use the power of intention, we start to see a change in the conversation we have with ourselves around our dreams. This change takes us from a place of fear and doubt, to hope and possibility, followed by action and results.

If we don’t have dreams, then what are we left with? Our present reality? Reality is not a bad thing as we need to know where we are so we can plan to get to where we want to be.

The FOUR-Step Intention Setting Process

This four-step intention setting process should help you go deeper in setting a powerful intention for yourself and your dreams. Plus, it’ll help you gain greater clarity about setting an intention by including others who will hold you accountable.

Step ONE – Make A Plan

  • Get clear about something you want, having this clarity is a vital part of the process. You can determine the timeframe for your intention.
  • Creating your own vision board is considered the key to success, yet it is not enough to simply have a positive mental attitude and a few pictures on a board.
  • The secret to achieving your goals is to dream about positive, focused, and specific goals. We call this an Action Vision Board where we clearly define the action steps that we need to take to achieve our dream vision.

Step TWO – Be Accountable

  • Share your intention with someone in a way that will supportively hold you accountable to your committed action steps.
  • Stick your “Action Vision Board” up in plain sight – look at it every day, before you go to bed and set an evening intention for the 1 or 2 steps that you will take the next day without fail.
  • You may choose an accountability buddy, your partner or join my online community and be surrounded by like-minded people where you can openly discuss any issues you are having and seek feedback.

Step THREE – Show Commitment

  • Do something today to demonstrate your commitment to your intention.
  • You can start by downloading your pledge to become functionally self-ISH, sign and date it and stick it on the wall in plain sight.
  • Keep a copy on your phone, stuck to your bathroom mirror so you can recite it everyday as you brush your teeth; keep it in sight and at the forefront of your mind.

Step FOUR – Take Action

  • Acknowledge that you did what you said you would and then, take the next step.
  • Have a list on a Sunday each week of 3 to 5 things you will commit to doing that week; then the following week post an update to that list – it’s a GREAT feeling when you can mark DONE against each one!
  • Share your wins – all the small steps you take to becoming functionally self-ISH in the Facebook group and let us champion you all the way to the finish line and beyond.

Don’t wait for tomorrow! Set your intention today and take the first big step towards achieving your dreams.

How To Rediscover And Reinvent The REAL You!

Free videos reveal:

Why your ‘purpose’ is so elusive...

How to touch fulfilment so you can feel part of something meaningful again.

How to ‘awaken’ your purpose so you can gain more clarity, and live more consciously!